Here I show part of my Venice series, created on four one-week trips from 2019 to 2022.
My intention was to capture the timeless beauty of Venice, especially the intense
atmosphere of melancholy that can arise there.
Click a picture for the slideshow.
Gondeln 2Zoom in
CimiteroZoom in
Drei GondelnZoom in
Die LaterneZoom in
Cafe FlorianZoom in
Cafe Florian 2Zoom in
DamalsZoom in
Dezember-BluesZoom in
El FornerZoom in
GiardiniZoom in
Gondeln 3Zoom in
505Zoom in
Gondeln 4Zoom in
Kleine BrückeZoom in
LaterneZoom in
Lichter in der NachtZoom in
LichtkreisZoom in
MorgenlichtZoom in
Morgens in VenedigZoom in
Murano 1Zoom in
Murano 2Zoom in
CoupleZoom in
Punta dell DoganaZoom in
Rialto 2Zoom in
RowingZoom in
San MarcoZoom in
Santa Maria della Salute 5Zoom in
Santa Maris della Salute 2Zoom in
Snack BarZoom in
Turm im KanalZoom in
VergittertZoom in
VergittertZoom in
389Zoom in
LichtspurZoom in